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Les meilleurs jeux multijoueurs pour PS5

La porte de Baldur 3

On peut constater un net changement entre les meilleurs jeux PlayStation 3 et les meilleurs jeux PS4 en termes de nombre de titres multijoueurs. Au fil du temps, de plus en plus de jeux veulent vous garder investi dans des modes multijoueurs approfondis. Ceux-ci ont également tendance à être des jeux entièrement multiplateformes pour s'assurer qu'il y ait toujours des joueurs contre qui jouer. Avec la PS5, vous trébuchez sur les jeux multijoueurs, donc la difficulté n'est pas d'en trouver un, mais de trouver les meilleurs.

Il y a beaucoup de choix, mais pour cette liste, nous avons rassemblé les meilleurs jeux multijoueurs disponibles sur la PS5.

La porte de Baldur 3





PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia


Jeu de rôle (RPG), Stratégie, Stratégie au tour par tour (TBS), Tactique, Aventure


Studios Larian


Studios Larian


06 octobre 2020

Si vous aimez les jeux de rôle classiques sur table avec papier et stylo, alors La porte de Baldur 3 sera votre jeu idéal. D'une manière ou d'une autre, ce jeu parvient à mettre en œuvre pratiquement toutes les idées folles, obtuses et même révolutionnaires que vous avez. Si cela n'était pas assez impressionnant, le fait que vous puissiez jouer à l'intégralité du jeu en coopération, en écran partagé ou en ligne, ressemble presque à de la vraie magie. Vous pouvez tous les deux créer de nouveaux personnages pour faire ensemble ce voyage massif. Ou vous pouvez vous séparer et chacun faire son truc aux extrémités opposées de la carte. Vous êtes libre de jouer le rôle que vous voulez, et le monde, les personnages et les mécanismes font de chaque seconde une explosion.

Baldur's Gate 3 – Bande-annonce officielle

Il faut être deux

Il faut être deux





PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S


Plateforme, Aventure


Studios Hazelight


Arts électroniques


25 mars 2021

Considéré comme l’un des jeux coopératifs les plus inventifs de la dernière décennie, Il faut être deux n'est pas jouable en solo. Conçu pour le multijoueur coopératif, ce jeu raconte l'histoire de deux parents au bord du divorce. Si l'histoire elle-même laisse un peu à désirer, le gameplay est exceptionnel, offrant des énigmes intelligentes et des obstacles qui doivent être surmontés grâce à une joyeuse coopération. Les décors sont fous, le gameplay est varié et la conception purement imaginative ne ressemble à rien de ce que nous avons vu récemment. Ce jeu est également fidèle à son nom, car il met en avant l'idée de travailler ensemble. Ce thème est présent dans le gameplay, ainsi que dans l'histoire, car les deux doivent toujours être là pour leur fille. Le mieux, c'est que vous n'avez besoin que d'un seul exemplaire pour jouer – chaque exemplaire est livré avec un pass, vous pouvez donc en profiter avec un ami sans avoir à en acheter deux.

Le retour d’un visionnaire – Josef Fares et Hazelight

Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5


Tireur, Tactique


Studios de jeux Arrowhead


Divertissement interactif de Sony


08 février 2024

Personne n'avait vu cette suite du modeste jeu de tir isométrique exploser en popularité comme elle l'a fait, mais nous apprécions toujours chaque seconde passée dans Plongeurs infernaux 2. Ce jeu vous plonge dans un chaos total en se lançant dans une zone de guerre avec des amis et en courant, tirant et plongeant frénétiquement alors que des hordes infinies d'insectes et de robots attaquent. Techniquement, vous pouvez jouer à ce jeu seul, mais vous n'irez pas très loin. Rassembler un groupe et se lancer dans une mission provoque à chaque fois une excitation imprévisible.

Helldivers 2 – Bande-annonce d'annonce | Jeux PS5 et PC

Reste II

Reste II



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S


Jeu de tir, Jeu de rôle (RPG), Aventure


Jeux de tirs


Éditions Gearbox


25 juillet 2023

Nous avons de vrais jeux Souls à venir plus tard, mais nous devions mettre en évidence l'un des Soulslikes les plus uniques du moment. Reste 2 est un Soulslike avec des armes à feu, et c'est un jeu vraiment génial. Chaque zone est générée aléatoirement pour vous et votre équipe de classes uniques à affronter, avec des tonnes de secrets, de boss et de défis supplémentaires pour vous inciter à revenir. Même si vous n'êtes pas convaincu qu'un Soulslike peut travailler avec des armes à feu, ce jeu mérite une chance de vous prouver le contraire.

Remnant 2 – Bande-annonce de révélation de l'archétype du Gunslinger

Destin 2

Destin 2





PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia


Jeu de tir, Jeu de rôle (RPG), Tactique, Aventure






06 septembre 2017

Il n'y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour plonger dans Destin 2un jeu qui a beaucoup évolué depuis son lancement en 2017. Il est encore meilleur sur PS5, fonctionnant en résolution 4K à 60 images par seconde. Bien que vous puissiez certainement jouer Destin 2 solo, une grande partie est conçue pour le multijoueur, que vous rejoigniez des amis pour participer à un raid ou que vous vous battiez contre eux dans le mode PvP du jeu, The Crucible. Destin 2Le plus grand argument de vente de est sa boucle de gameplay, qui vous encourage constamment à vous battre pour collecter plus de butin. Au-delà de cela, c'est tout simplement incroyable – nous n'attendions rien de moins de Bungie, les créateurs de Halo. Cependant Destin 2 était disponible pour 60 $ au lancement, il a depuis été converti en jeu gratuit, avec des extensions payantes disponibles périodiquement. Mais cela signifie que vous pouvez vous lancer et l'essayer sans dépenser un centime.

Destiny 2 – Bande-annonce officielle de lancement

Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 1




PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S


Combat, Aventure


NetherRealm Studios


Jeux WB


19 septembre 2023

Peut-être que les jeux de combat sont plus votre truc. Si c'est le cas, vous serez heureux de savoir que Mortal Kombat 1 est un autre succès de la franchise sanglante. Après les événements de Mortal Kombat 11, il s'agit en quelque sorte d'un reboot, il est donc facile pour tout le monde d'y entrer, même si vous êtes probablement plus concentré sur le multijoueur que sur le mode histoire de toute façon. À cet égard, vous disposez d'une énorme liste de personnages avec lesquels frapper, donner des coups de pied, faire exploser et démembrer vos adversaires. Ce titre fait également appel aux Kameo Fighters en guise d'assistance pour permettre des combos et des Fatality encore plus fous. Avec une feuille de route de nouveaux personnages, y compris de nombreux crossovers, à venir, c'est un jeu de combat dans lequel vous pouvez investir en toute sécurité.[/dt_media

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3


PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia
Gearbox Software
2K Games
September 13, 2019

The famous loot-based first-person shooter (or looter shooter, as it’s sometimes called) has made its way to next-gen, giving you more reasons than one to jump back into Borderlands 3 on PS5. For starters, those who owned the PS4 version will gain access to the game on PS5 for free. The next-gen version will feature up to four-player split-screen cooperative gameplay, 4K visuals at 60 frames per second in single-player or online multiplayer modes, and all the latest updates. Speaking of which, Borderlands 3 has received multiple content drops since its release last year, so you’ll have no shortage of things to do when you jump in on PS5. As with many games, Borderlands 3 is best experienced with friends, and, thankfully, there are multiple options for doing so. There’s something so immensely satisfying about running around the open world with your buddies on the quest for loot, and Borderlands 3 sure delivers on that front. Take a look at our list of the best weapons in Borderlands 3 and our character guide to get a head start.

Mortal Kombat 1 – Official Announcement Trailer

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Adventure
Gearbox Software
2K Games
March 25, 2022
What if you like the gameplay and overall style of Borderlands but not the post-apocalyptic themes? If so, you might be interested in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, a spinoff game set in the Borderlands universe, but with a greater emphasis on dragons, wizards, and dungeons instead of the Mad Max-inspired themes from Borderlands. This game plays almost exactly like its predecessors, though, with first-person shooter mechanics, a robust RPG system full of upgrades, tons of loot, bosses to defeat, and large open levels to explore. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands also has an all-star cast of characters with appearances by Andy Samberg, Wanda Sykes, Will Arnet, and Ashly Burch as Tiny Tina herself. These characters tie the package together, with funny, memorable performances that make the game hard to put down. And of course, the entire experience is playable cooperatively, just like the other Borderlands games.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Official Announce Trailer

Gran Turismo 7

Gran Turismo 7


PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR2
Racing, Simulator, Sport
Polyphony Digital
Sony Interactive Entertainment
March 04, 2022
PlayStation’s longest-running franchise may surprise some; it’s the hit racing title Gran Turismo. The seventh entry is the latest, flashiest, and most satisfying yet. Not only is this game worth it just for the visual spectacle that shows off just what the PS5 can do, but there are over 150 cars that each handle and perform differently across dozens of tracks set all over the globe. It takes a little bit to learn the deeper mechanics, but once you get your racing legs, you will be hooked on the adrenaline rush of nailing corners, overtaking rivals, and flooring it across the finish line in online races.

Gran Turismo 7 – Announcement Trailer | PS5





PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Strategy
Epic Games
Epic Games
July 25, 2017
Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t deny the importance of Fortnite, and on PS5, it will be playable in 4K at up to 60 fps across all game modes. You’ll also find better textures and improved performance thanks to the PS5’s solid-state drive — whether you play online or in split-screen multiplayer. Fortnite is one of those comfort food games that always feels great to jump back into. You don’t always need to stay on top of the latest updates to have fun, but if you do, you’ll be rewarded handsomely. It’s a great game to boot up, play a couple of matches with friends, and then move onto something else. Even if you don’t secure a victory, it’s still a load of fun to see how long you and your squad can survive. Plus, it’s free, so there isn’t much of a downside to downloading it.

No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky


PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, SteamVR, PlayStation VR, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Meta Rift
Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie
Hello Games
Hello Games, 505 Games, Sony Interactive Entertainment
August 09, 2016
You’ve probably seen us praise No Man’s Sky ad nauseam, but the PS5 version, titled The Next Generation, is worthy of even more praise. The next-gen version features more assets spread out across the terrain to make for a thicker, more realistic-looking environment, the ability to build larger bases, cross-play, transferrable saves, 4K visuals at 60 fps, and most importantly, 32-player multiplayer. The large-scale multiplayer functionality is huge, making No Man’s Sky feel even more populated than ever before. To be frank, there isn’t anything like No Man’s Sky. Being able to explore 18 quintillion (that’s 18 with 18 more zeroes after it) procedurally-generated planets that mostly feel unique is a wild experience — whether you play solo or with friends. But really, you’ll probably have a better time if you’ve got some buddies to help you stay safe from the harsh, hazardous weather found on many planets you’ll come across. The PS5 upgrade is free to all who own the PS4 game. No Man’s Sky goes beyond an open-world game — it’s an open universe adventure, instead!

Overcooked! All You Can Eat

Overcooked! All You Can Eat


PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Simulator, Strategy, Indie
Team17, Ghost Town Games
November 12, 2020
Games like Mario Party and Monopoly always have been known for destroying friendships, but those pale in comparison to Overcooked! All You Can Eat. This definitive version of Overcooked! features both games and all their DLC, along with new content, such as 4K visuals, updated accessibility options, and cross-platform play. This package is ripe with content and is great for the whole family — provided you don’t kill each other in the process. Overcooked! is a game about — wait for it — cooking. In it, you need to effectively prepare and serve orders while making sure they’re made accurately. You can play it with up to three other players in local multiplayer and online modes. It’s a cooking game that will likely make you laugh throughout, even if you’re losing because it’s so much chaotic fun.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure

Sackboy: A Big Adventure


PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Platform, Adventure
Sumo Digital
Sony Interactive Entertainment
November 12, 2020
If you’d like a family-friendly game that’s less chaotic but still playable in co-op, then you should check out Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Built on the foundation of LittleBig Planet, Sackboy: A Big Adventure is a 3D platformer, similar to the beloved Mario games. It features gorgeous, vibrant visuals, light puzzles, and all the quirkiness you could hope for. An online multiplayer mode will be available later this year. But for now, you can play the game in couch co-op with up to four players. If you want a fun platformer to enjoy solo or with friends, or if you’ve got younger gamers at home, Sackboy: A Big Adventure is worth checking out.

Demon’s Souls

Demon's Souls


PlayStation 5
Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat ’em up
Bluepoint Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment
November 12, 2020
Demon’s Souls might not be the first game people think about when talking about multiplayer, but online play is at this game’s core. Playing Demon’s Souls is most enjoyable when taking advantage of multiplayer. You’ll be invaded by enemy players, get help from friends, and utilize the community to manipulate the game’s World Tendency. And trust us, you’re going to need the help when it’s time to take on the game’s toughest bosses. The Souls games are notoriously difficult, as you probably already know, and Demon’s Souls for PS5 is no different. Remember, though, that the bosses gain extra health when you bring in real players to help, so keep that in mind before you go on a summoning spree. Typically, you’ll only ever need one additional player to take down a challenging foe. Make sure to be on the lookout for enemy invaders, though, as they can easily take you down from behind if you aren’t paying attention. Demon’s Souls is iconic for a reason, so do yourself a favor and check it out if you like RPG gaming.

Apex Legends

Apex Legends



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Respawn Entertainment
Electronic Arts
February 04, 2019
Maybe you’d like to try a battle royale that doesn’t include a building system like Fortnite. Perhaps you might like Apex Legends, a battle royale that blends class-based characters with the popular last-person-standing formula. Each character or “legend” has their own identity, and it shines through, not just in gameplay, but in story and lore as well. You’ll be hard-pressed to find another FPS game that feels and plays as fluidly as Apex Legends. In fact, this game is based in the Titanfall universe, and with that in mind, you can clearly see the connections (though you won’t find any Titans in Apex). It’s a game that continues to evolve over time, and we’re excited to see how it changes with each update. Best of all is that it’s free!

Apex Legends Official Launch Trailer

Rocket League

Rocket League


Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Racing, Sport, Indie
July 07, 2015
Rocket League is yet another free-to-play game that has captivated its audience thanks to its tight gameplay and satisfying loop. The premise? Soccer with cars. And if that sounds absolutely bonkers, it is. What’s great about Rocket League is that it appeals to the general player since it’s so easy to pick up and play. It’s got an easy concept to grasp: Put the ball through the goal. However, things get out of hand since steering your car while pushing a ball isn’t as easy as it seems. Still, it’s something you can quickly get the hang of after a few games. Skilled competitors will also find value in it, as matches can get heated very quickly, especially if the contestants are of equal experience levels. Beyond that, you can earn in-game currency to spend on what feels like thousands of different cosmetics, giving you even more reason to keep playing. It’s a game that you can quickly jump into and play a few rounds before bed, making it super appealing to a wide install base.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Role-playing (RPG), Adventure
Square Enix
Square Enix
December 07, 2021
Is there a comeback story better than Final Fantasy XIV? When the game first launched in 2010, it was in terrible shape, but following 2013’s A Realm Reborn expansion, things started to turn around. Now, following the launch of the Endwalker expansion, Final Fantasy XIV is one of the highest-rated MMORPGs of all time. In fact, the game has become so popular that Square Enix had to temporarily stop all sales of new copies to help prevent the servers from being overloaded over the 2021 holiday season. Critics and fans have praised Final Fantasy XIV‘s gameplay, progression, and story, with each expansion improving upon nearly all aspects of the game. After the launch of Endwalker, it was revealed that Final Fantasy XIV has over 24 million registered users, making it one of the most successful MMOs of all time.

Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic


PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Shooter, Adventure, Indie
Ghost Ship Games
Coffee Stain Publishing
February 28, 2018
Back in the Xbox 360 era, a little game called Left 4 Dead captivated a wide audience. A sequel launched in 2009, but fans have been starving for a cooperative zombie shooter since then. When we got Back 4 Blood, we realized it wasn’t the zombies we wanted but just a great co-op shooter like Deep Rock Galactic. Controlling a team of dwarves, you set off on missions to mine valuable resources from bug-invested planets as various classes with unique roles and abilities. If you’ve got a squad, this game will be one you can come back to for one run or a dozen.

Deep Rock Galactic – Pre-alpha Teaser Trailer (Official)

WWE 2K22

WWE 2K22


PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Fighting, Simulator, Sport
Visual Concepts
2K Sports
March 11, 2022
After taking a year off and changing lead developers from Yuke’s to Visual Concepts, WWE 2K22 had a lot riding on its success. And thankfully, it was a great return to the series, with fewer bugs than previous installments, a fantastic roster, and some of the best visuals and animations the series has ever had. The coolest thing about this game is the Rey Mysterio showcase mode, which allows you to relive many of the high flyer’s most iconic matches — down to the exact spots that occurred within them. Beyond that, the redefined control scheme is simultaneously easier for newcomers to learn, while still feeling challenging for expert players to master. There’s also a major multiplayer component, with competitive battles online, the ability to create and share superstars, and even the ability to play myFACTION mode with others. If you’re a pro wrestling fan but have skipped recent entires, this one could be enough to bring you back. 

WWE 2K22 Announced at WrestleMania! ??

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Sledgehammer Games
November 10, 2023
Most Call of Duty games are fun solo, but they’re even better with friends. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is no exception, as it features a slew of multiplayer maps and modes to enjoy. The game was rightfully lambasted for its campaign, but the trifecta of multiplayer, Warzone, and Zombies mode are all as fun and addictive as ever. This is an especially appealing game if you were a fan of the original 2009 Modern Warfare 2 since every map from that classic title was remade for this entry.

Modern Warfare III is Coming

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
October 04, 2022
Serving as a major change from its predecessor, Overwatch 2 introduces new mechanics that keep things fresh. This free-to-play sequel has a tremendous roster of over 35 characters, each with unique move sets and abilities. In this game, team sizes are only five instead of six, making each member far more valuable than before. It’s still just as fast-paced as the first game, but with many quality-of-life improvements such as a refined pinging system. Overall, this game is a blast, despite having a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

Elden Ring

Elden Ring



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Role-playing (RPG), Adventure
Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware
February 25, 2022
One of 2022’s best games is Elden Ring, a massive action RPG that will no doubt test your skills. While it’s best-known for its fluid gameplay, satisfying progression system, and epic battles, the game also includes a robust multiplayer mode. It offers a cooperative mode that allows players to take down the game’s bosses. But if you’d rather go against your friends, you might enjoy Elden Ring’s PvP mode. In it, you can battle it out against other users online, which is one of the most exciting parts of this sprawling adventure.

ELDEN RING – E3 Announcement Trailer

Minecraft: Legends

Minecraft: Legends



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Strategy, Arcade
Mojang Studios, Blackbird Interactive
Xbox Game Studios
April 18, 2023
You’ve never seen Minecraft like this. Minecraft Legends is a real-time action-strategy game that plays like a mix of Pikmin and Age of Empires. In it, players explore a large open world while commanding various allies to defeat the piglins. In typical Minecraft fashion, players can explore, gather resources, and battle enemies solo or in co-op. Though, playing with friends makes this one much more fun, as you can tackle objectives together. It’s a welcome spin on the Minecraft formula that doesn’t get enough credit.

Minecraft Legends – Announce Trailer

Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Fighting, Arcade
June 02, 2023

Fighting games aren’t for everyone, but Street Fighter 6 succeeds at appealing to a wider audience than ever before. It does so without sacrificing its deep mechanics, which experts will undoubtedly appreciate with this installment. But it also includes a rich story mode, with tons of other ways to enjoy it, especially online against friends. Once you master the art of combat in this entry, taking your battles online is the height of the experience, rewarding you for learning the game’s intricacies. Street Fighter 6 is full of style and is easily the most appealing fighting game in recent memory.

Street Fighter 6 – Announce Trailer

Diablo IV

Diablo IV



PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat ’em up
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
June 02, 2023
Diablo 4 is a game with so much to do, it’s almost overwhelming. You can explore a wide variety of dungeons while leveling up your character to become a powerful demon slayer, which is easier with friends. As you progress through the game, you earn more abilities and become stronger, but so do your enemies. This makes it almost essential to play alongside other Diablo 4 players, especially when battling powerful bosses. Diablo 4 is easily one of 2023’s best games and it’s even better with a full party.

Diablo IV Official Gameplay Trailer